• Bambino Kidz   +91 9447948111 | +91 9880133001
  • Bambino Kidz
  • Bambino Kidz
  • Bambino Kidz
  • Bambino Kidz
  • Bambino Kidz   info@bambinokidz.com
Home Business Partners

Business Partners


Helping organizations build family friendly workplaces

Corporate Daycare
  • Speedy execution as space & infrastructure support already exists
  • Corporate has complete control on design, access & quality of the centre
  • Holidays & timings of the Centre are mapped to the Corporate’s need
  • Preferable by employees given ease of access
  • Actual costs + management fee pricing ensures complete transparency in costs
  • Entire capacity only for Corporate’s employees
  • Based on capacity utilization actual running costs can be scaled up or down
Multiple engagement models of childcare services for your employees.
a. Onsite/ Near Site

State of the art Exclusive Daycare Facility for your employees, set up inside your premises

b. Shared Services

Daycare facility run by BAMBINO near your office, where the majority of the capacity is blocked for your employees and the rest is open to outsiders

c. Subsided Service

Option preferred by majority of corporates, block a certain capacity or subsidize childcare for your employees at a specific centre or in centres across multiple location.

d. Back-Up care

Block a few seats/days in a month to cater to your employees who may have ad-hoc childcare support requirements at any specific centre or multiple locations

Bambino Kidz