This Year Bring in the Cheer in a Different Way
Who doesn’t love this season of cheer? With the exciting Christmas season beginning to light up the city around us, now is a perfect time to instil in our little ones the importance of sharing and caring. Due to the multitude of things happening around us, it is always very natural for us to lose track of what is really meaningful when it comes to celebrating the Xmas cheer with our friends and family.
As parents, it is important to inculcate in little ones, values that will they will treasure for the rest of their lives. Whether it is inspiring them to always hope for the best and forever see good in everyone or encouraging them to be affirmed of the blessings that they have, values imbibed by our children at an early age, go a long way. This turns them into happy individuals who are always ready to give back to the society and to those who are less fortunate.
Listed below are some interesting and creative ways in which, we as a family, can show our children what is sharing and caring. A great way to instil the importance of sharing and caring in our children and develop their philanthropic mindset, these activities will help them feel the sense of joy when they give selflessly.
1. Visit a charitable organization or an old age home.
Nothing can be compared to an experience of visiting a homeless centre or an old age home and spending quality time with the people there. This is also a great way to show your children all about life and make them appreciate the smallest things that they often tend to take for granted. Additionally, this is a great example of how to teach a child to share.
2. Clean out Closets
Use this time of the year to make a day out of cleaning the closets. An exercise like this is a fun way to bond with your children and also an interesting way to identify clothes, books and toys that are no longer being used. Once segregated, these can be packed off into carefully labelled boxes and donated to people who are not as fortunate as us. This is indeed a great way to teach your child what is sharing and caring.
3. A little Xmas Baking
Indulge in a small baking session with your children. Make the process fun and make sure that you involve your little one in every step of the way. Whether it is melt-in-the-mouth chocolate chip cookies or indulgent brownies, make sure you save a box for your child’s favourite teacher or for the nanny who tirelessly works to keep your little one happy. A little thank you note along with the box of freshly baked delicacies can also go a long way in making their day special.
4. Spend a day at an orphanage
Take out a weekend to spend a day at an orphanage with your child. Spending a day or eating a meal with underprivileged children helps our little ones understand how small gestures can make a huge difference in the lives of other children. They also tend to develop a sense of sharing and caring when they realise that their actions have brought a smile in others.
5. Practice random acts of kindness
Sometimes certain spur of the moment acts can bring loads of happiness to others. From helping an old lady cross the road, to baking a box of cookies for the school bus driver, to gifting some toys to the children on the road, our children can learn a lot from these noble actions. And what better way to make someone’s day happy and magical than a thoughtful action they never expected. After all, it doesn’t cost to be kind, does it?
6. Smile
Christmas season is all about spreading joy, hope and happiness. Sometimes, we get completely engrossed in the whole process of buying gifts and cooking meals, that we stop enjoying all that it stands for. So let us make it a point to make our children smile more often. A smile costs nothing and can do wonders to someone’s day.
As we inch towards a brand new year, now is the time to sit and introspect on all things that went well and those that could have gone better. The festival of Christmas never fails to bring out the child in all of us and this season of celebration, let us together, as a family, bring in lots of cheer and happiness to everyone around us. There is nothing more rewarding than helping those in need and filling our hearts with loads of joy and happiness. Let’s also transform our children into emotionally strong individuals by binding them with our loads of love, laughter and trust.
It has been rightly said, “Like snowflakes, Christmas memories gather and dance—each one beautiful, unique, and gone too soon.”
So, let us together make more beautiful memories, share the light of hope and keep the magic alive!
Merry Xmas all!